What We Do

In helping students thrive, schools face many challenges in getting the resources they need. They need our support! With purpose-minded partners by our side, GENYOUth ensures kids have equitable access to good nutrition and opportunities for physical activity. We are here for the 55 million students nationwide, to ensure they are nourished and active to be their best selves! GENYOUth 2023 Annual Report

Generated $20 million for school nutrition programs through our COVID-established End Student Hunger Fund.

Increased access to 85+ million school meals in 5 Super Bowl host markets, including Las Vegas in 2024, through NFL community impact initiatives.

In just 4 years, catapulted Taste of the NFL, with GENYOUth as the charitable beneficiary, to a must-attend Super Bowl event while increasing access to hundreds of millions of school meals.

Highlighted the need for physical activity programs at the 2022 White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition & Health.

Equipped U.S. schools with 37,000 NFL FLAG-In-School kits, engaging 17 million students.

Published 7 Youth Insights surveys and over a dozen issue-framing reports.

Worked with U.S. Departments of Agriculture, Education, and Health and Human Services – in partnership with the USDA, NFL, Fuel Up and Play 60 – to award schools $35 million to strengthen childhood nutrition.

Served as founding member of Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move! Active Schools initiative, equipping schools with resources/tools to increase student physical activity.

Improved youth aerobics in NFL markets in partnership with The Cooper Institute’s FitnessGram.

Partnered with the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition to elevate the Presidential Youth Fitness Program.